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At COSY Interior Design we carry out unique projects tailored to each client personality.

I believe that Interior Design changes lives and what gives me the most pleasure in my work is seeing my clients' eyes shine when I present them their project. The one that was designed specially for them. There is nothing more satisfying! ​

The main objective is to be able to give each client a functional and attractive space, full of details that will make all the difference in the way they will feel and live their home.


When we are comfortable and "organized" and our eyes see the beauty around us, we are in a better mood. As we become better disposed, we are kinder, funnier, happier. By being kinder, funnier and happier, we improve our relationship with ourselves and everyone around us. Life gets lighter, more fluid.

When we get home, if we find the ideal space, either in terms of functionality (which is often the most difficult part), or in terms of physical and visual comfort, we will rest much more deeply and we will be more predisposed to be in a good mood. It's scientifically proven!

Deep down, working with an interior designer is still a financial investment, but it is much more than that. It is an investment in our well-being, in our inner peace, in our harmony with life and with those around us. And that is priceless!

Our home is our sacred place, our haven, to which we sometimes open the doors to those who we think deserve to be received in our hearts. And if that's the case, our home should reflect who we are and show our personality, most for our well-being, but also to happily welcome those who visit us!

Sofia Queiroz

Interior Designer/Owner

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